Hi, I'm Telepath Bot!

Hi, I'm Telepath Bot!

Hi, I'm Telepath Bot!

I send summaries of telegram conversations to your email, Slack, webhook, or CRM. I'm currently in beta so I may not work perfectly. For any questions, suggestions, feedback, or assistance, please contact support@trytelepath.com.

You do not need to have a subscription to benefit from me. While only subscribers can configure or interact with me, anyone can receive my summaries. For example, a subscriber can configure me to send to summary to an email distribution group or a Slack channel where others can see it.

Quick Start

Quick Start

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have a username set

  2. Add me, @TelepathOfficialBot, to your contacts.

  3. Invite me to your chat / group

  4. In the chat, type /tp_subscribe to subscribe me to the chat.

  5. I'll start automatically sending daily and weekly summaries to your email..

  6. Get a summary at any time by typing /tp_summarize

For more details — and to find out what else I can do — keep reading below!

Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started

  1. Ensure you have a username set

I currently only work if you have a username (e.g. @usernameLikeThis), so if you don't have one set, please set that up. How to: iOS | Android

  1. Add me to your contacts.

Make sure you're using the real me: username @TelepathOfficialBot (remember that the name of a bot can be changed but the username cannot.)

Or just click here: https://t.me/TelepathOfficalBot and then click "Start"

  1. Invite me to your chat.

Ensure I'm a member of the group you want to summarize. Make sure you're using the real me: username @TelepathOfficialBot (remember that the name of a bot can be changed but the username cannot.)

Or just click here: https://t.me/TelepathOfficalBot

  1. Subscribe

Subscribe yourself to a group by going to that group and typing /tp_subscribe (tp is for TelePath). During the beta there is no cost for the first 14 days then the price is $15 subscriber/channel/month. If this is the first time you are subscribing, you will be asked to enter your payment information; otherwise, you will be subscribed immediately.

A subscription allows you to configure and interact with me. You can unsubscribe from a channel at any time by typing /tp_unsubscribe. Note that subscriptions are done per group/channel.

You can see a list of all your subscriptions by typing /tp_subscriptions.

  1. Use

That's it! Once you've subscribed me to a chat, I'll start sending you two different types of summaries:

  • A daily one that summarizes the last 24 hours of conversations.

  • A weekly one that summarizes the last 7 days of conversations.

When I send those summaries, I'll send that summary to the email address you used when you signed up. (If you want to send these emails to a different address, you can read how to do that here.)

I usually send out these summaries between 6am and 8am New York City (US) time each day; the weekly summaries I sent out on Saturday. In the future I hope to let you configure this is more detail!

Manually-Triggered Summaries

You can also ask me to summarize a conversation at any time by typing /tp_summarize in the channel. By default, I summarize the past 24 hours.

If you want to get a little fancier, you can also tell me how far back you want me to summarize by using the --lookback parameter. Example:

/tp_summarize --lookback "2d"
  • --lookback (optional; default '24h'): how far back in time to summarize. Value can be h for hour (e.g. "12h"), d for day (e.g. "2d"), or w for week (e.g. "1w"). The longest allowed lookback period is 1 week.

That's it - you're all set! Feel free to play around a bit. If you have any questions, contact support@trytelepath.com

Additional Notes & Commands

Additional Notes & Commands

Additional Notes & Commands

Customizing Your Summaries

Once you subscribe, you can configure me for each group you add me to, including configuring your email and webhook settings.

If you don't configure me for a given group or channel, I'll just send summaries to the email address you used when you subscribed.

If you do wish to configure me, however, the syntax is below. Please note that you must use the exact correct syntax — including the quotes — or the command will not work.

[Note: if you want to configure your settings for a channel privately, see the section on private configurations]


/tp_configure --summary_to "bob.smith@example.com" --summary_name "Telsa Solar Deal"


  • —-summary_to (required): The email address to which the summary will be sent.

  • —-summary_name (required): The name of the summary you want in the subject line of the summary email you get. For example, if you set summary_name to Tesla Solar Deal, the summer email you get would have the subject line Telepath: Summary for Tesla Solar Deal.

Again, please note that this configuration must be done per group/channel.

[For more information on how to customize advanced features like custom webhooks, see Advanced Configuration.]

Additional Commands

  • /tp_account - Get a link to your account. Currently this is only useful for changing your payment method or cancelling your subscription to all channels/groups.

  • /tp_subscriptions - Lists all the channels and groups you are subscribed to.

Private Configuration

If you don't want to configure your settings in a channel where everyone can see, you can set the by DMing me directly.

1. Get Chat_ID for the Group or Channel
First, DM me /tp_subscriptions to see a list of all subscriptions. You'll see a list of all channels / groups you are currently subscribed to, with a number in brackets next to it. This is the chat_id for that group or channel. (Note: these IDs can be negative; that's fine):

2. Configure as normal but specify the chat_id
Us /tp_configure as normal, but specify the --chat_id parameter (Important: note that, unlike the other parameters, the chat_id value does not have quotes around it:)

/tp_configure --chat_id 555555 --summary_to "bob.smith@example.com" --summary_name "Telsa Solar Deal"

(The '555555' should be your chat ID, not 55555 obviously. Remember that chat_ids may be negative numbers. Just copy and paste whatever it is the brackets.)

Advanced Configuration

Advanced Configuration

Advanced Configuration

Once you get the basics down, there's a few other things I can do as well!

Please note that you must use the _exact_ correct syntax as shown here for these commands to work. As I am still in beta, the syntax for all of these are not exactly the same, so double-check!

Custom Webhooks (Technical)

You can configure each group / channel to send additional information along with your summary to a custom webhook you define.

For example, let's say you have a CRM and want to automatically pass a lot of customer information along with the summary. A webhook might be helpful here.

You can do this by adding the —-webhook and —-json_payload parameters in the /tp_configure command:

/tp_configure --summary_to "bob.smith@example.com" --summary_name "Telsa Solar Deal" --webhook "https://example.com/webhook" --json_payload "{"account_id": 143, "opportunity_id": 77, "source": 'Telegram'}"


  • —-summary_to (required): The email address to which the summary will be sent.

  • —-summary_name (required): The name of the summary you want in the subject line of the summary email you get. For example, if you set summary_name to Tesla Solar Deal, the summer email you get would have the subject line Telepath: Summary for Tesla Solar Deal.

  • —-webhook (optional): The webhook URL to which the summary will be sent. If you don't want to send the summary to a webhook, just don't include this parameter.

  • —-json_payload (optional): The JSON payload to be sent to the webhook along with the summary. This can be helpful if you want to provide additional information along with the summary. For example, if you want to send the summary to a CRM, you can include the CRM account ID related to the customer(s) involved in the discussion.

[Again, please note that this configuration must be done per group/channel.]

Once you've configured a webhook URL and payload for a given channel, I'll send my summary and your payload to your webhook URL every time I run one of my daily or weekly summaries.

If you want to manually trigger a summary that's sent to your webhook, you simply set —-to_payload=True when running /tp_summarize (Important: note the equal sign and lack of space; this is different syntax than most of the other parameters):

/tp_summarize --to_webhook

Note that, for now, you must include the --to_webhook=True each time you run /tp_summarize if you want it sent to your custom webhook.

Getting Help

Getting Help

Getting Help

Get in touch at support@trytelepath.com

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